Co. Dublin
An Early Toll-Road - The Dublin Dunleer Turnpike 1731-1855
This, the first comprehensive study of an Irish tu..
Cleansing Rural Dublin - Public Health and Housing Initiatives in the South Dublin Poor Law Union, 1880-1920
The ‘slum condition in nineteenth-century Dublin i..
Dublin 1910-1940: Shaping the City and Suburbs
Between 1910 and 1940 Dublin's suburbs grew consid..
Dublin 1930- 1950- The Emergence of the Modern City.
Using a great variety of source materials, and inc..
Dublin in the 1950's and 1960's, Cars, Shops and Suburbs.
After the relative gloom of the 1950s, there was a..
Dublin Paper War 1786-1788 - A Bibliography and Critical Inquiry, including an account of the Origins of Protestant Ascendancy and its Baptism in 1792
The long and acrimonious exchange of pamphlets, wh..
Dublin, 1950- 1970, Houses, Flats and High-Rise.
Housing is the single biggest land use in any city..
Grave Matters - Death and Dying in Dublin 1500 to the Present
Grave Matters examines the universal subject of de..
Ireland's Largest Industrial Railway: The Guinness System
The Guinness brewery in Dublin had a remarkable na..
Ireland's Suffragettes - The women who fought the vote
Ireland's Suffragettes is a collection of biograph..
O'Connell Street: The History and Life of Dublin's Iconic Street
From its medieval beginning to the vibrant, iconic..
Rathcoole and the United Irish Rebellions, 1798-1803.
The story of the United Irish Rebellions in a hith..
Richard Davis Webb Dublin Quaker Printer (1805-72)
An anti-war leaflet issued by Richard D. Webb...
The Biggest Show in Town: Record of the International Exhibition, Dublin 1907
In 1903 W.F. Dennehy, editor of the "Irish Indepen..
The Bronze Age Landscapes of the Pipeline to the West: An Integrated Archaeological and Environmental Assessment
Discusses path of pipeline that runs through parts..
The Harm Done: Community and Drugs in Dublin
This book is a reflection on how Irish society has..
The Law School of University College Dublin: A History
The Law School of University College Dublin (UCD) ..