• Your One Wild and Precious Life

Middle-age is cross-roadsy - having arrived, you're looking back in wonder about how you got here, and also looking ahead, thinking: where to next? The realisation that neither time nor choices are limitless is both daunting and exciting - this is the moment to take stock and figure out how to make the best of every precious moment of your second act. Your One Wild and Precious Life is an eye-opening account of this vital and surprisingly liberating life-stage. Crucially, it sets out how you can transform your thinking to reclaim control over your life, connect with who you truly are and face the future with joy and a sense of purpose. This is both radical and reassuring - a book to fundamentally alter your relationship with time and to help you to understand that every age can be your best age. This is an invitation to whole-life living and it can start right now.  

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Your One Wild and Precious Life

  • Product Code: Maureen Gaffney
  • Availability: In Stock
  • €14.99

Tags: Maureen Gaffney, Wild, Precious, Life, 9780241988770